Let me Serve You!
Preparing for a victorious exam day takes time and prepartion. This course was designed to prime your knowledge to identify areas of weaknesses & strengths; propeling you forward to certification.
- Grow from novice to expert!
- Certified Nurses feel confident in their practice
- Certified nurses provide safer care
- Certified nurses make fewer medical errors
- Certified nurses uphold national standards
- Certification facilitates clinical advancement
- 90% Nurse managers prefer hiring certified nurses
- Magnet emphasize nursing certification for distinction
- Certification is an investment in your department and personal career
Many certified nurses are eligible for hourly differential compensation
Give yourself a pay raise!
ALL Nurses deserve a raise after 2020!
Certification could bring up to
$1,560- $3,120/year
Additional income for doing what you do everyday!
Based on 30 hr/week current west coast union contracts
(On-call hours not included in calculation)
Target Audience
All PeriAnesthesia RNs
Many of you do it All!
(Pre-op, Phase I & Phase II)
ASC RNs- Yes, You do it All too!
Knowledge will fill you with Joy,
Wise choices will watch over you.
Understanding will keep you safe."
Proverbs 2:10-11
Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 17622, for 24 contact hours